Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wrap up, social networking and catch up - Week 12

Personally I am not a fan of Facebook, MySpace etc maybe I'm just too old to go down that path. I thought the Rotora Library's Bebo site was excellent. I think setting up and maintaing one of these sites would put a lot of pressure on staff time especially working in a library with limited staff.
The only social networking site I use is Schoolfriends.

Well here I am at week 12 and have finally finished. I did not want to start this program but once I got going I found I really enjoyed it. I actually became a little obessive in some modules.

It has been a great experience and thanks to Learning 2.0 team for the program.
I will now understand the terminolgy and applications of all these different moduels that I have journeyed through. Best of all I will now be able to understand and converse with my teenage grandson who thought I was very cool when I showed him my blog.

Thanks again it's been a great experience

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oneline applications and tools - Week 11

There are a large number of free online applications out there. Goole Doc was very easy to use. Finding an application to use was the hardest task. As I had just used my refurbishment photos to make my mosaic last week and still had the photos available I decided to go with a slide presentation of before and after shots of the refurbishment.
I don't know if I would have the need to use share documents in my library as we have the T Drive and Trim but it could be useful for our regular customers who wanted to access their documents on a regular basis.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mashups - Week 10

Well, what a week with mashups. It was a lot of fun once I got into it. I decided to make mosaic from the photos of my library refurbishment that were on the T drive. I used big huge labs for this process. It did take a while to work out how to actually make the mosaic.
Ways you could use mashups in libraries is with google maps for local history and tourism. For fun ideas you could use photo's from flickr through big huge labs for promotions.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Secret Garden Music Video Clip

Podcasts and Audio - Week 9

After spending a relaxing long weekend with my daughter and grandson at Lovett Bay I am ready to tackle week 9.
If only I could get into something!! This looks to be a very versitile media. Podcasts could be useful in libraries for in-house training, oral histories and as Annetta commented, it is a great way of capturing the tales from the living library.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Answer Boards and Social Searching - Week 8

I have noticed over the last couple of years that we don't get asked as many reference questions as we used to, now that many people seem to have access to the internet.
If cutomers do need an answer to a question they want that answer instantaneously. This is where Answer Boards may prove to be the answer.
I posted a question on Yahoo7 Answers and answered two questions. I thought the site was not as good as the Wiki Answers site. The Wiki site had better quality qustions than the Yahoo site and the Yahoo site was clunky to get around. It would be very handy for complex questions that you just can't seem to find an answer for, but how long will you wait for an answer and hopfully the answer will be correct.